
#230: Norris Poker (Part Two)

[Norris Poker is sitting on a chair, stroking his chin. Fred is pacing.] Poker: So this guy stole your phone, eh? Fred: Yeah. I noticed it was gone, and then I turned around and saw a guy with a green shirt carrying my phone. [Poker gets his laptop.] Poker: Ok, I'll search the FBI databases. Fred: You have access to those?! [Poker smiles.] Poker: Ha, no. Someone hacked it a few weeks ago. I guess they haven't noticed yet. [Screenshot of a Google-like FBI Search website. Results are displayed with camera number, timestamp, and shirt color.] SEARCH BAR: in:Margonsfield+Theater shirt:green OTHER TOOLS: 750 results - Sort by Newest - Showing results for thater - Search instead for theater Poker (off-panel): 750 results. Can you narrow it down a little more? Fred (off-panel): Um...they also had jeans on. [A determined Poker taps furiously.] SFX: TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP BLING! [Poker runs, laptop in arm.] Poker: Ok, I've got their address. Let's go. Fred: What? Now? [Poker smiles as the background dramatically darkens.] Poker: Yup. It's time to close this case.
To the Batmobile!

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